Remember; You’re Divine

Does not the sun prick your skin with its hands like diamonds?

Does not the moon shatter waves which crash anxiously upon our shores?

I bet bindweed slithers its way around your ribs

As juniper berries jump off their twigs in hopes of landing somewhere within your reach

I hope foxes leave their dens to watch us dancing through the willows

Maybe then, we might remember

Unopened rose buds, like lockets

Holding our name

Bowing to our Divinity

Sides Notes as Part of the Process

I long for tales of foxes and squirrels, rabbits and owls, living in community with one another. Where the biggest ‘news’ of the day are things like ‘Mother squirrel did beautiful patchwork on Thimbleton Mouse’s sweater’ and ‘Glorious Hot spring stumbled upon by Lady deer and her does’. Where all the roadways are that of soft dirt, and the flora of the forest grows in abundance–producing chestnuts, red berries, black berries, blue berries, persimmons, roots, tubers, barks, vines, flowers, and plants of all shapes and sizes. All of which get transformed into various townly things like benches, dinners, paints, beauty products, or clothes. Where there is neighborly love, warmth in every home. Delight in the small things, such as a rainstorm on a summer day.

I want this world to live within me. To feed me. To give me a lake of which I may pull from, to weave it into my daily Life. To bring magic into all my doings and speakings and dreamings. I long to be the Creatoress of my own Heart’s delight. To let my mind weave stories and connections of sweetness and fairytale. Where animals can talk, where underdogs take on quests with knapsacks and baskets woven of birch. For some reason, stories of this nature feed my soul

…like Honey infused with Simplicity and Love.


Mother’s Day Musings


Walking barefoot through the gardens and singing to the plants
I melt into my surroundings
The Earth Mother painting my soles with her soil
the birds, whispering sweet melodies
the rooted ones, sprouting out from the darkness of underground 
an offering,
through which we nourish our vessels
enabling us to grow closer to the rhythms of our Ancestors
thank you thank you thank you
to the mother’s of my grandmother’s grandmother….and to Nature whom is the Mother of All

When in Love With What Made You


the scent of Universes
swirling through
low growing vines
over top moss pads and up through the pines
under cedar built bridges
and above mountainous ridges
making it’s sweet way
around my ankles and wrists
caressing my ne

and giving me a kiss
I inhale, arms above me and lungs full
smiling as the nectar of wildflowers
feeds my soul
remembering I have never been anything but whole
*thank you thank you thank you*
I whisper, lowering myself to the ground
and the universal winds dance around and around
“together we shall celebrate the new love we have found”

What Answers Would You Receive ?


I often ask my self, my body, my innocence…..How may I serve you today ? How may I show you how much you are loved, how precious and beautiful you are in each moment, each breath?
^^^what answers would you receive if you dared to ask?^^^^
I have received many .
sometimes it’s to hold myself and whisper sweet nothing’s to the pieces of me I had forgotten
or to skip through the forest, singing songs to the birds.
other times it’s my body asking me to slow down
to remember I am built
of Earth, eat what resembles Her

sometimes it’s giving to another, saying a prayer, laughing and relishing in the way the Universe shows me all is okay, always
today I smile;;; How Fun and Amusing it is, to learn the ways of caregiving for my self
to learn the ways of giving and receiving, of dancing in the wind,
even when it ceases to blow.♡
I feel outrageously blessed and in love with this moment, this life, this breath
I am honoured to be here, to remember, to love ♡
May blessings spread out and into your hearts, nourishing your hearts greatest curiosities


to “just ” we must cut the safety nets off of our wings
let go of boulders lining our river beds
float atop waters in which only the unknown lives

we must drift in the space between cliff sides where bridges are built
where time stops
where fear is met with courage
as we embroider the rhythm lines of our very own Hearts
As sun drops cleanse our very own souls
so that Love may transform us
guide us
renew us
in each action
in each word
in every breath

Embrace the Sweet Nectar of Life: A Dance with Love, Magic, and Fire

Now is zee time
to drink breathe laugh dance sing speak
with the sweet nectar of life
it is calling you
do you hear it?
can you slow your roll long enough to feel the winds arms outstretched
asking for a dance
offering support
fire to feed your ever-growing 
..close your eyes…
…go within…
let sweet honey hold you


Today, I Found You;;Only a piece


I took myself on a walk today

As I do most days

An act of devotion

A daily self care regimen

where each step is a prayer

A moment of inner peace

Of walking my way back home

Of walking my way out into the forest

…to be lost

…to be found

lying on the ground

arms overhead

butterflies painting my face

the sky whispering

:hello sweet daughter, i love you:

I took myself on a walk

and found myself

only a piece

an alchemical code

lying on the side of the road

hands over heart

eyes closed

tears slipping down my cheeks

bathing in autumnal airs

;I whisper to myself;

:i love you, sweet one, no need to hide:

That sweet, divinely  innocent once within

The one whom you can’t un-know once you see her

Scooping her up we walk

taller than before

stronger than before

with wet eyes and a blue feather in hand

we march

toward fires

to remelt the pieces of our very fragile heart



honouring what has longed for our honour from the start

I remember

dancing freely

in the sun

with the whole of me

& you




The Intensity of Diving Within


O’ It burns me deep

this  acid rain, yet my open arms welcome it with despair

It whispers to me

“Fear not, my young friend

for these clouds above,

they will protect you,

& the dew that falls will

wash away your doubts”

shaking with wonder I cried out;;;;;

“How sporadic these storms,

the ones that force grays to blend with blues

I shall not fear, for you are always near,

but will there ever come a day

when the warmth of my soul may

shine, no longer held at bay?”

The thick silence was the answer becoming known

I did what was right

Fell to my knees

Pressed forehead to soil

and admitted


to myself,

“Oh my

the intensity


