What Answers Would You Receive ?


I often ask my self, my body, my innocence…..How may I serve you today ? How may I show you how much you are loved, how precious and beautiful you are in each moment, each breath?
^^^what answers would you receive if you dared to ask?^^^^
I have received many .
sometimes it’s to hold myself and whisper sweet nothing’s to the pieces of me I had forgotten
or to skip through the forest, singing songs to the birds.
other times it’s my body asking me to slow down
to remember I am built
of Earth, eat what resembles Her

sometimes it’s giving to another, saying a prayer, laughing and relishing in the way the Universe shows me all is okay, always
today I smile;;; How Fun and Amusing it is, to learn the ways of caregiving for my self
to learn the ways of giving and receiving, of dancing in the wind,
even when it ceases to blow.♡
I feel outrageously blessed and in love with this moment, this life, this breath
I am honoured to be here, to remember, to love ♡
May blessings spread out and into your hearts, nourishing your hearts greatest curiosities

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