Remember; You’re Divine

Does not the sun prick your skin with its hands like diamonds?

Does not the moon shatter waves which crash anxiously upon our shores?

I bet bindweed slithers its way around your ribs

As juniper berries jump off their twigs in hopes of landing somewhere within your reach

I hope foxes leave their dens to watch us dancing through the willows

Maybe then, we might remember

Unopened rose buds, like lockets

Holding our name

Bowing to our Divinity

Mother’s Day Musings


Walking barefoot through the gardens and singing to the plants
I melt into my surroundings
The Earth Mother painting my soles with her soil
the birds, whispering sweet melodies
the rooted ones, sprouting out from the darkness of undergroundĀ 
an offering,
through which we nourish our vessels
enabling us to grow closer to the rhythms of our Ancestors
thank you thank you thank you
to the mother’s of my grandmother’s grandmother….and to Nature whom is the Mother of All


to “justĀ ” we must cut the safety nets off of our wings
let go of boulders lining our river beds
float atop waters in which only the unknown lives

we must drift in the space between cliff sides where bridges are built
where time stops
where fear is met with courage
as we embroider the rhythm lines of our very own Hearts
As sun drops cleanse our very own souls
so that Love may transform us
guide us
renew us
in each action
in each word
in every breath